Mystery Egg

Mystery Egg


SKU: 15 Category:


This mystery egg will hatch a mini pet, that needs a home.

These are vanity mini pets that follow you around, they are NOT mounts.

Buy 2 eggs get 1 of them rare, buy 3 eggs get 1 fantastic, orders of more then 3 will start over 4 eggs=2 normal 1 rare 1 fantastic, 5 eggs=2 normal 2 rare 1 fantastic and so forth. Note this doesn’t add up over time this is within a single purchase.

Due to changes in laws, I am not able to do these as collections for organizations anymore. This does not mean I can’t set the money aside and still give it to an organization if I want, but I can no longer officially say that is the reason these are being sold without official agreements with the organizations. As such these will now be a standard shop item.

To conform to loot box laws I am disclosing the list of potential outcomes of these eggs.

Each egg rarity has an even chance of containing any one of the pets listed below.

Regular Egg:

  1. Cow
  2. White Lamb
  3. Black Lamb
  4. White Sheep
  5. Black Sheep
  6. White Ram
  7. Worg
  8. Cat
  9. Hyena
  10. Hen
  11. Rooster
  12. Shark
  13. Seal
  14. Seal Cub
  15. Tortoise
  16. Crab
  17. Rat
  18. Brown Bear
  19. Black Bear
  20. Boar
  21. Wolf
  22. Bug
  23. Unicorn
  24. Calf
  25. Dog
  26. Deer
  27. Stag
  28. Crocodile
  29. Anaconda
  30. Cobra
  31. Bison
  32. Bull
  33. Horse
  34. Foal
  35. Lion
  36. Pig
  37. Pheasant
  38. Scorpion
  39. Spider
  40. Troll
  41. Goblin
  42. HoTS Guard
  43. MR Guard
  44. JK Guard
  45. Rocky (A moving rock)

1 in 45 chance to get the pet you want.

Rare Egg:

  1. Pinky (pink sheep)
  2. Easter Bunny
  3. Skully (Human ghost skull)
  4. Drake Spirit
  5. Eagle Spirit
  6. Firecat
  7. Uttacha
  8. Mini Kyklops
  9. Baby Nogump
  10. Avenger
  11. Sol Demon
  12. Skeleton
  13. Wraith
  14. Rift Jackel
  15. Rift Beast
  16. Rift Ogre
  17. Deathcrawler
  18. Hell Horse
  19. Hell Hound
  20. Fog Spider
  21. Lava Spider
  22. Lava Fiend
  23. Troll King
  24. Goblin Leader
  25. Mini Giant
  26. Braaaains (Zombie)
  27. Charlie (Ghost Horse)
  28. Hellycorn (flaming unicorn)
  29. Animated Shard (light token)
  30. Spikey (emits snow)
  31. Fire Elemental (Ruby Gem with particles fire and light)
  32. Ice Elemental (Crystal with fire and ice effects)
  33. Sparky (Emerald with light and particle effects)
  34. Hell Chick (fiery chicken)
  35. Evil Tree
  36. Pumpkin Monster

1 in 36 chance to get the pet you want

Fantastic Egg:

  1. Mini Enki
  2. Mini Magranon
  3. Mini Fo
  4. Mini Vynora
  5. Mini Libila
  6. Serpent
  7. Red Dragon
  8. White Dragon
  9. Blue Dragon
  10. Green Dragon
  11. Black Dragon
  12. Red Drake
  13. White Drake
  14. Blue Drake
  15. Green Drake
  16. Black Drake
  17. Pink Dragon

1 in 17 chance to get the pet you want